Thursday 26 February 2009


This is an example of the questionnaire I used to gain some background knowledge and ideas for creating our piece. This gave us clear picture of our target audience and the things which they would like to look for within it.
I sent my questionnaire to everyone in my contact list. The majority suggested that they prefer a psychological thriller, with a sense of mystery at the start. I believe that we have managed to incorporate this into our piece thanks to the extensive feedback we gathered from our questionnaires.

What kind of thriller do you enjoy the most?


How often do you watch thrillers?

Once a week
More than once a week
Not very often
Not at all

What was the last thriller you watched?

How old are you?

What do you like to see in the opening of a thriller?
Immediate Action
Complex beginning
Interesting Dialogue

Q1)From my questionnaire I established that most people liked psychological thrillers more than the other sub genres. It gave us a clear indication of the kind of film we needed to make. We researched into the features of psychological thrillers and tried our best to incorporate them into the piece.

Q2)Most of the people that completed the survey said that they watch thrillers once a week or not very frequently. This told us that we had to create a piece which would stick in the minds of the people who watched it instead of being a "once a week viewing."

Q3)I sent my questionnaire to my whole contact list. I received replies from about forty people. Twenty of those people were in the age group 21-35, the rest was aged between 14-20 and 36-50. This gave us a clear indication that the film needed to be portrayed in such a way that it would appeal to an older audience.

Q4)The last question was probably the most important as it showed us what kind of mood we could set. The results came back and most people said they preffered to see a sense of mystery in the beggining of a thriller.

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